Customer Testimonials

See why Adam Norwood trusts Little Tractor and Equipment Company to take care of everything he needs. He loves the quality, power and ease of using his KIOTI tractor; one of the many reasons Little Tractor and Equipment Company is North America’s number one KIOTI dealer.


See why Kevin Wildharbor from Creek Farms Hunting Club says that Little Tractor and Equipment Company is as good as you can get. He needs his equipment to be versatile and powerful. He knows he can depend on his compact tractor to get the job done; one of the many reasons Little Tractor and Equipment Company is North America’s number one KIOTI dealer.


 See why Glenda Myers from G&G Flatshod Farms will never go anywhere else besides Little Tractor and Equipment Company. She likes everything about her KIOTI tractor, but she loves the customer service even more. One of the many reasons Little Tractor and Equipment Company is North America’s number one KIOTI dealer.


See why Jamie Scherrer from Jamie Scherrer Auction Company and Consignment Sales enjoys his KIOTI tractor more than any other tractor he’s ever driven. Using his KIOTI tractor makes hauling simple; one of the many reasons Little Tractor and Equipment Company is North America’s number one KIOTI dealer.